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« Fine Art  / Artist’s Statement & Curriculum Vitae


Intrigued by concepts set forth in the study of quantum fields, Bryce’s work is informed by the proposed frameworks that help to make sense of the chaotic energy that underlies our reality. His use of repetitive forms, layered grids, and bold color palettes create dynamic geometric compositions filled with rhythm and graphic intensity.

Bryce’s recent work has been featured in several group shows at the Ashton Gallery in North Park and he has pieces available at Sparks Gallery in downtown San Diego, California.


Form & Flow – Two Person Show. Perspectives Space. December 2023. Encinitas, CA.

Blackout – Juried Group Show. Ashton Gallery. October - December 2023. San Diego, CA.


Textures, Shapes, Patterns or Forms – Group Show. Las Laguna Art Gallery. September 2022. Laguna Beach, CA.

“Two”Juried Regional Show. Ashton Gallery. June - July 2022. San Diego, CA.

“Dreams and Daylight” Group Show. Sparks Gallery. April - July 2022 San Diego, CA.


Bachelor of Fine Arts, May 1994
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn New York.


Oceanside Museum of Art, Artist’s Alliance.

Pratt Institute Alumni.     |     917.805.0358

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